Scorpio, a fixed sign, is true to its convictions, set in its ways. Scorpio is ruled by energetic Mars and by Pluto, the planet of intense desires. The negative polarity gives Scorpio a very responsive nature, with much of its Martian forcefulness hidden from view. It is also a water sign, giving it an unstable, emotional nature. The dichotomy of its fixity and instability often leaves the Scorpio at war with itself. Scorpios have powerful feelings and emotions and a strong sense of purpose. They are very imaginative, subtle, persistent and determined. Their negative traits include being resentful, stubborn, obstinate, secretive, suspicious and jealous. Scorpios are self-contained and may be self-centered. They are concentrations of vast amounts of stored energy ready to burst forth. Whatever Scorpios really wish to achieve they probably will. They have a great deal of personal magnetism and healing power.

The symbols of Scorpio have a hierarchy, starting with the scorpion, or serpent, at the first level. The Scorpio ascending to higher levels of consciousness is symbolized by he soaring eagle. The highest level of Scorpio is the phoenix, the mythical bird which flew so high that it was consumed by the fire of the Sun and then arose again from its own ashes. This is symbolic of the Scorpio need to regenerate itself through suffering (and often with what appears to be self destructive behavior). Scorpio needs to experience life in all its facets with great depth and intensity. No other form of experience will do!

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