
Saturn symbolizes the first law of manifestation -- limitation. Saturn strengthens the personality through endurance and persistence. It focuses and concentrates energy. Saturn's constrictive nature gives us the opportunity for introspection, meditation and concentration -- to work out karma in the process of evolution. The key to dealing with Saturn is discipline. Saturn requires caution, restraint, seriousness and stability. Saturn is also related to time, organization, consolidation, crystallization, ambition, self-preservation, responsibility, conventionality, pessimism and perseverance. Saturn inhibits, delays, restricts, perfects and deepens. It causes fear, worry and anxiety.

Saturn is most compatible with Capricorn, the sign of material organization and practical ambition. Saturn is ill-expressed in Cancer where it becomes hypersensitive. Saturn exalts within the balancing act of Libra and finds the impulsive nature of Aries to be a odds with its cautious approach.

The symbol of Saturn is the cross of the material plane over the crescent of personality.

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