In the sign of Pisces, unstable, flowing water combines with the mutable ability to easily drift through change. This makes Pisces the most fluid sign of the zodiac. Here, the introverted nature of the negative polarity is predominant. Pisces is the most sensitive of the signs giving very strong and deep emotions. Pisceans are much too impressionable -- to susceptible to outside influences, and so they often might need to escape. Ruled by the nebulous planet Neptune, Pisceans can often be quite difficult to understand. It helps to remember that unworldly Pisceans operate on an intuitive level and often need to retreat within themselves to maintain their equilibrium. They cannot be understood through logic, analysis or pressure. Pisceans can give vast amounts of compassion and sacrifice and one can understand them best with sympathy and mutual caring.

Pisceans are often kind, sympathetic, receptive, intuitive and humble. They can also be vague, indecisive, secretive, careless, and often are not very adept at dealing with the physical world.

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