Libra, being positive and cardinal, is active and aggressive. However, Libra has been called the "iron hand in the velvet glove" because its aggressiveness is not usually obvious. This mode of expression combines with the flowing communicativeness and intelligence of the air signs. Libra is like its complement, Aries, but now the "me first" energy is searching for balance. The glyph of Libra is symbolic of the setting Sun, expressing the balance between night and day, between self and others. While Libra is considered to have a positive polarity (yang), it is ruled by negative (yin) Venus, the receptive planet of charm and beauty. Libras idolize harmony. Sometimes, fearful of discord, they become indecisive. They easily see the value of each point of view often because they do not hold a definite opinion of their own. In their search for balance, Libras strive to show both sides -- sometimes for argument's sake only. They are usually easy going, diplomatic, idealistic, romantic, and have a very refined appearance. On the other hand, Libras can be gullible, frivolous and flirtatious.

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