Aires, the first sign of the zodiac, is the emergence of the sprouting seed. It is the pint of all beginnings. Aries is the outrushing force --sound and fury-- primitive self-expression -- the joy o f being. Its forcefulness is much like the ram which lowers its head and blindly charges. The Aries influence gives an adventurous, pioneering sprit, courage and a blunt and direct manner. The forcefulness of Aries is so strong that restrictions cannot be endured. Aries people are forever moving on to new projects, seldom completing the old ones. An Aries person inhibited by daily routine and a sedentary life is likely to eventually explode. The "me first" attitude of Aries can go to the extremes of selfishness, crudeness, egotistical attitudes and foolhardiness if it is not tempered by sensitivity to other and strong guiding ideals.

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